"Sure God created man before woman. But then you always make a rough draft before the final masterpiece." ~Author Unknown
If ever there was created a thing more admirable than a woman, it was lost to oblivion before the dawn of man. What else in the world is so powerful without even lifting a finger? What else can destroy a man from the inside out and not even know it? It seems to me that men have historically been unreliable in the task of expressing our love for women, and while I do not fancy myself an expert by any means, I am this evening consumed with thoughts of loveliness and warmth.
I know of nothing else in the world I enjoy so much as the company of women, and the reason is that as long as there is a woman nearby to talk to, there is something to smile about. To see women talking amongst themselves, and laughing, and illustrating happiness and comfort in its pure simplicity is a soothing balm to the wounds of the day, and puts my mind at ease.
To admire a woman - her gentle face, her fine, silken hands, her delicate fingers, impossibly bright eyes, her curves and lines, her vibrant skin - is intoxication. Every man has a favorite feature, but what most men forget is that it is not the part but the whole that is worthy of praise. For no machine ever built by man is as complex or as capable as a woman, and certainly not as lovely.
Though I am always glad of their presence, it also pains me to share the world with these dangerously distracting creatures, because I have not one to call my own, and to share my heart with. No face to caress, no neck to softly kiss, no ear to whisper in, no hand to hold. No smile to come home to, no voice of velvet to hear in the morning, and no darling flower in which to bestow my hopes and dreams. And so, every woman is a reminder of my solitude. Add to this the fact that most women I know are already spoken for, and I am in a desperate position indeed.
If I could ask one thing of women, all together, my plea would be this: if none among you will see me as something to be wanted, will you please try to be less wantable?
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